Female Genital Mutilation: A Local Problem
Released: 09/14/2023 Expires: 09/30/2025 (subject to change)
- CE for this activity will not be available after this date.
Overview The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that up to 513,000 women and girls across the U.S. have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM), of whom 171,000 are children. Typically inflicted on defenseless girls between birth and fifteen years old, female genital mutilation (FGM) is an internationally recognized form of child abuse. Girls traumatized by FGM can face threats to their immediate health through shock, hemorrhage, infections and septicemia. Long-term health risks include chronic pain, repeat infections, urinary problems, obstetric complications and life-long psychological trauma.
Objectives At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Define Female genital mutilation (FGM).
- Detail the severe harm FGM can cause to a child and the woman she becomes.
- Recognize the extent of FGM in the United States of America.
- Identify a woman or child at risk of, or potentially suffering from, FGM.
- Apprehend the range of medical interventions available to support women and girls impacted by FGM.
Speakers Lisa Brett, AHA FGM - Senior Consultant Michele Hanash, AHA Director of Policy and Women's Programs Oluwadamilola Alabi, AHA - WE STOP FGM CHICAGO Amanda Parker, AHA Senior Director
Disclosure This program was planned in accordance with AANP CE Standards and Policies.The speakers have the following disclosures:- Lisa Brett-Nothing to disclose.
- Michele Hanash-Nothing to disclose.
- Oluwadamilola Alabi-Nothing to disclose.
- Amanda Mejia-Nothing to disclose.
All other Planners have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Disclaimer Individuals who have contributed to the CE Center were carefully selected for their knowledge and experience in the subject area under review. This presentation is informational only and may contain opinions of the authors from their personal experience that do not necessarily express the opinions of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). The activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings. Clinical practice is a constantly changing process and new information becomes available every day. Neither AANP nor the contributing individuals can warrant that the material will continue to be accurate, nor do they warrant that the material is completely free of errors upon publication. Attendees and participants should appraise the information presented critically and are encouraged to consult appropriate resources for any product or device mentioned in this program.
CE Credit Instructions- Read this activity description, including objectives and disclosures.
- Complete the educational content:
- Interactive SCORM Presentations: Click the Play button to launch the interactive activity presentation. The activity will launch in a new window (make sure all popup blockers for the browser are turned off). Watch all slides and answer all interactive components of the activity. Learners must make it to the last slide of the SCORM activity to receive their activity Participation Code. Make sure to WRITE THIS CODE DOWN! You'll need it to access the activity evaluation. (Note: this interactive module includes knowledge-check questions that users will answer as they work through the content. There is no score associated with the questions - they are only for learner self-reflection and responses are not reported back to the LMS.)
- Click on the Additional Resources button to review all additional materials provided (handouts, post-test reviews, any other downloadable resources).
- After completing all content, click on the blue Next Steps button:
- Submit the evaluation to receive full AANP CE/Rx credit.
Additional Information For questions or more information concerning this online CE activity, please visit the AANP Help Center to find answers to frequently asked questions and request assistance.
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