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Tobacco Cessation Bundle
2.75 Contact Hour(s) of CE; 0.75 of which may be applied towards Pharmacology
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Module 1: Tobacco Cessation
1.50 CE / 0.50 RX
Tobacco use disorder is a national epidemic affecting 50 million Americans. Tobacco use, including cigarette smoking, directly contributes to risk for developing tobacco-related diseases that top five of ten leading causes for morbidity and mortality in the U.S. This continuing education activity will overview tobacco use disorder and examine the current and most effective treatment modalities and clinical pearls. It will also explore what is currently known about electronic cigarettes/vaping and how to implement tobacco cessation services into everyday clinical practice.
Explain the importance of asking every patient about smoking at every visit.
Outline the relevance of treating tobacco use as a chronic disease.
Identify guideline-recommended and evidence-based methods for improving the rates of successful smoking cessation.
Discuss the mechanisms of action of smoking cessation pharmacotherapies, including nicotine replacement therapy.
Module 2: Telehealth and Tobacco Cessation
1.25 CE / 0.25 RX
The telehealth landscape is ever-evolving with state and federal mandates that directly impact the clinical practice of all Advanced Practice Nurses. This continuing education will provide an overview of telemedicine and the current policy landscape that influences care delivery by telemedicine. Practice standards and essential components of telehealth visits that are critical to safe and responsible care by telemedicine will also be discussed. This continuing education will provide an opportunity to review and learn from observing the application of telemedicine and tobacco treatment practice standards in a virtual telehealth clinical encounter vignette.
Explain the current telehealth policy landscape and how it affects delivery of care.
Describe barriers to successful smoking cessation attempts.
Identify the ways in which telehealth counseling and pharmacotherapy can overcome these barriers.
Compare and contrast the role of the nurse practitioner and other members of the health care team in addressing barriers and preventing relapse.
For questions or more information concerning this online CE activity,please visit the AANP Help Center to find answers to frequently asked questions and request assistance.
2.75 Contact Hour(s) of CE, 0.75 of which may be applied towards Pharmacology
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