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RSV Immunizations Across the Lifespan: What NPs Need to Know About At-Risk Populations
Course of the Month - September 2024
0.75 Contact Hour(s) of CE; 0.35 of which may be applied towards Pharmacology
Each month, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) will offer a continuing education (CE) activity presented by experts from AANP Communities. For the first month that it is offered, the activity will be FREE and only available to AANP members. After the initial month has passed, the activity will become available to both AANP members and non-members for a fee (AANP members will pay a significantly discounted price). The featured activity will rotate each month, so be sure to complete the activity and earn your CE credit before the month ends to benefit from free access!
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Promotional Content Expires:
September 30, 2024(11:55 p.m. CT)
Content Expires:
August 31, 2025 (11:55 p.m. CT) CE for this activity will not be available after this date.
This activity includes closed captioning.
This activity is free for AANP members
from 9/1/2024 - 9/30/2024
Overview In the past five years, there have been multiple vaccine trials for RSV immunizations across multiple populations, with three products now approved for use in the US. This session will review RSV incidence and disease burden across populations and outline each of the currently available FDA approved products for protection against RSV disease. Objectives
Describe the epidemiology and disease burden of RSV in infants and older adults.
Compare and Contrast the different commercially available products that are currently FDA approved in the US.
Research Consultant and Parent/Caregiver Advocate: GSK Pharmaceuticals
Meningococcal-B vaccine in infants: Caregiver attitudes and perceptions
Meningococcal-B vaccination in infants less than 2yrs of age- Advisory Panel member
Independent Consultant: American Academy of Pediatrics
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Verification Program
All relevant relationships have been mitigated.
Disclaimer Individuals who have contributed to the CE Center were carefully selected for their knowledge and experience in the subject area under review. This presentation is informational only and may contain opinions of the authors from their personal experience that do not necessarily express the opinions of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). The activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings. Clinical practice is a constantly changing process and new information becomes available every day. Neither AANP nor the contributing individuals can warrant that the material will continue to be accurate, nor do they warrant that the material is completely free of errors upon publication. Attendees and participants should appraise the information presented critically and are encouraged to consult appropriate resources for any product or device mentioned in this program.
CE Credit Instructions
Read this activity description, including objectives and disclosures.
Complete all educational content:
Video Presentations: Click the Play button to watch the activity video lecture. To get full credit for the learning activity portion, you must watch all of the video content.
Click on the Additional Resources button to review all additional materials provided (handouts and any other downloadable resources).
After completing all educational content, go to the Next Steps button:
Submit the activity evaluation to receive full AANP CE/Rx credit.
Click on the Get Certificate button.
A copy of your certificate of completion will display on the screen for you to print or save. A copy of the certificate will also be emailed to you.
A copy of the certificate will be automatically added to your AANP CE Tracker.
Additional Information For questions or more information concerning this online CE activity,please visit the AANP Help Center to find answers to frequently asked questions and request assistance.
0.75 Contact Hour(s) of CE, 0.35 of which may be applied towards Pharmacology
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